Thank You…Over 1 Million Views

As of June 2023, this blog has had over 1 million views, thank you! I am in the final stages of conducting my research for my dissertation and I appreciate the kind messages of inspiration sent. This platform was created in 2012 to share the good in education. Please feel free to share what inspired you this year. Sharing the good is synergistic and good for us all!

May we continue to seek knowledge in all things~


August 2020

Thank you to the 580K+ visitors to this blog. This blog is a creative way I use to share the good I see and find. Once I defend my dissertation and earn my doctorate, I hope to spend more time sharing the best practices that readers share with me. I appreciate the teachers and educational leaders that share tips and recommendations they find helpful in the classroom, school or district they serve. Thank you to the parents who leave comments and suggestions too.

When we train our eyes to see the good, we can do ANYTHING!

May we continue to seek knowledge in all things-


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Filed under Curriculum Resources, educational leadership, Educational Resources, Inspiration, Our Statistics, Sharing the Good, Sharing the Good in Education, Team Building/Positive Work Environments

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